Frequently asked questions

What are your rates?

Our cleaning rates vary by location, size of space and frequency, ranging from $35-$75+ per hour. Our building and renovation service rates vary by project - please reach out to us to schedule an in person assessment in order to receive an estimate!

Can I choose my cleaning professional?

We always try to honor requests for specific cleaning professionals and teams whenever possible! All our team members provide the same high level of reliability and thoroughness, and are in high demand from their regular clients. Setting up a regularly scheduled cleaning service is the easiest way to ensure consistency in cleaners. All of our team members are trained in the Dafny Cleaning Services program before they are sent to their first home or location.

Can you use natural cleaning products?

Yes, we believe homes should be clean, safe and comfortable to you, the client! Please provide instructions on which products we should use in each room and ensure the products are available in order to make it easier for us to clean. We typically require: microfiber cloths, wood cleaner (if you have wood floors), an all purpose cleaner, an oven cleaner, a bathroom cleaner, paper towels, bleach, dish soap, a vacuum and a mop.

What cleaning supplies should I keep in my home or available at the project?

Multipurpose cleaner, bleach and paper towels. We can provide cleaning supplies for an additional fee of $25 per visit! Please check out our list of recommended cleaning supplies HERE!

Do your team members do laundry?

If you have a washer and dryer in the unit we can do one load for every two hours of time we are cleaning, typically limited to sheets, for a $30 fee per visit.

Can I be home while you clean? 

Yes, you can stay in the home during the service if that’s convenient for you but please note that you are welcome to give us access to your home while you are out.

What is your COVID-19 policy? 

We are not currently enforcing COVID-19 protocol, but do ask that if you are ill you notify us ASAP. We will not send a cleaning professional who is ill to your home.

How often would you recommend a cleaning service for 1, 2, and 3 bedroom homes? 

We recommend cleaning services take place every other week and suggest you also get a deep cleaning 2 or 3 times a year. We also recommend weekly services, but please note that for weekly cleanings we require a 3 month commitment after the first cleaning. 

What is your cancellation policy? 

All cancellations within 24 hours of the service call will incur a $65 fee. Please remember we are a small business and our cancellation policy balances the needs of our busy clients with the needs of our hard-working team.

How do you find your team? 

We build our team by word of mouth. Our team members know the work is reliable, the clients are kind, and they are given satisfying opportunities to learn and grow. Our employees understand our high standards and attention to detail. Many members of our team are mothers looking for a chance to make a solid living. We are deeply proud to provide them with the opportunity and grateful for their contribution to our growing business. 

What is the best way to book services?

Please click HERE or call (347) 859 - 1824 to connect with our team. We would love to discuss how we can best meet your needs.

Are you available to manage Airbnbs? 

Absolutely! We are experts on the unique needs of Airbnb properties and handle turnover quickly and efficiently for dozens of Airbnb owners. 

How can I get a quote/estimate?

Drop us a line HERE and we will get back to you within 24 hours! We can either meet in person in your space or we can meet virtually. Some clients also prefer to send us videos of their home which can also work for us (please note that we will need to see the kitchen (including the stove) as well as the bathroom (please include the tub and shower!).  

Do you offer weekly or monthly cleaning services?

It is our expert point of view that in order to keep a healthy, clean home, bi-weekly, monthly and seasonal services are ideal. For clients who would like weekly services (or more frequent cleanings) we can absolutely accommodate but please note that we require a 3 month commitment after the first visit.

Are you able to clean commercial spaces? 

Yes, both residential and commercial spaces are our specialty!

Do you offer services on evenings/weekends?

Our team works 7 days a week from 8am - 8pm depending on the location. We offer evening, last minute and emergency services for an additional fee.

Do all Dafny Cleaning teammates speak English?  

Our fully bilingual English and Spanish speaking administrative team supports our Spanish speaking cleaning and construction teams to be sure all of your needs are seamlessly communicated.

Many of our team members are native Spanish speakers and are still learning English. They are still ready to communicate, using the wonderful technology of translator apps! We will set expectations for the scope of cleaning before they arrive in your home or space. Our bilingual administrative team is always standing by to help communicate any needs you may have!